Newport’s Laden Valley Homecoming

There have been many exciting things happening in Newport, RI this month… including the filming of Hocus Pocus 2 in Washington Square & Man vs Food at The Hungry Monkey on Broadway but TONIGHT at The Jane Pickens Theater at 7pm is Laden Valley’s debut album release party. Q: So it’s great to see aContinue reading “Newport’s Laden Valley Homecoming”

Shining Star

There are so many talented singers out there & I have discovered that if I look right in my very own backyard here in Rhode Island, there are plenty of them waiting to be discovered….and I’ve been lucky enough to see her perform… this is Lainey Dionne. Q: I’m not going to brag too muchContinue reading “Shining Star”

At Home, He’s A Tourist

Q: Your band is Zachisatourist but you are also a member of Michael Barrow & The Tourists….when did you start branching off as a solo artist? A: I’ve actually been releasing solo music for as long as I can remember. I fronted a band in high school and released a few SoundCloud EP’s my firstContinue reading “At Home, He’s A Tourist”

5 Questions with Jessica Gerhardt

Q: You started writing music at a very young age. What was the first song you ever wrote? A: It was called “When I Am Walking in the Rain“. I was about 8 yrs old. My second song was co-wrote with a childhood friend Ellie and it was called, “Cold Spaghetti”. I still feel theContinue reading “5 Questions with Jessica Gerhardt”